Fair offer policy

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This is a sample Admin message you can use to send to your group.

Some members prefer to wait at least 24 hours to see who responds to an offer.

  • The first to reply is not always the most reliable.
  • The delay gives a fair chance to people who receive notifications in What’s New summaries, or who don't have continual access to the Internet.
  • It may give a choice of potential recipients, and careful selection could avoid 'No Shows'.

If you want to do this regularly, a tick box is available, which shows after you have made an offer. Once ticked, it will show each time. If you are likely to prefer a quick collection sometimes, it would be better not to tick the box: you could still add a note to your offer when you do intend to delay making your choice.

Screen shot to be added

With warmest wishes, etc etc

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