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Glossary of terms used in Freegle Ltd documents
Contents: | Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- Board - elected group of people (Directors)
- Board Discussion Group - Yahoo group, used as the working space for Directors to discuss business and hold Board meetings
- Candidates - nominees who have confirmed ((usually to the Returning Officer) that they are willing to stand for election
- Central - Freegle UK Central Yahoo group
- Central Mod Team - team of Volunteers who own and moderate Central
- Chairman - Chair of the Board
- Director - One of the elected Directors that comprise the Freegle Board
- FD - Freegle Direct
- Firefox - A web browser alternative to Internet Explorer (IE) which is needed if you want to use ModTools (and is a great browser anyway!).
- Freegle - Freegle Ltd
- Freegle Direct - the interface provided on the website for members of groups to use instead of using the Yahoo groups
- Freegle Ltd - the association/network of affiliated groups (not the individual groups themselves)
- Freegle Member- a voting, paid up member of Freegle Ltd
- Freegle UK - the previous unincorporated association/network of affiliated groups
- Freegle Wiki - this!
- GAT - Group Affiliation Team, the team that processes applications for affiliating groups to Freegle
- GLC - Group Launch Coordinator
- GM - Group Mentor, person appointed by GAT to assist a new group
- GO - Group Owner, someone who has full moderation privileges on Yahoo Groups (shown by a blue crown next to the person's ID in the membership list of each group)
- Mod - Moderator, someone who has moderation privileges on a Yahoo Group (shown by a green crown next the person's ID int he membership list of each group). We also use the term to include Group Owners when talking generally.
- Nominees - people put forward to stand for election to a post
- ORO Team - Ombudsman and Returning Officer Team
- Ombudsman - one of the appointed team of two Ombudsmen
- owner-address - the email address of a Yahoo Group moderating team
- PLI - Public Liability Insurance
- Reps - the elected representatives of Freegle UK
- Returning Officer - one of the appointed team of two Returning Officers, abbreviated sometimes to RO
- RO email address -
- Rules - the primary document for running Freegle, which has replaced the previous Constitution
- Secretary - Company Secretary or Secretary to the Board
- Self-Nomination - volunteers nominating themselves as candidates
- Skype chat - online messaging system used by the Board for Board meetings
- Snaply - mobile app which provides an access method to Freegle groups
- Society - Freegle Ltd (term used within the Rules)
- Treasurer - appointed position by Board, remit Finance Role Remits
- Trashnothing - different access method for group members to join and use a group
- Trello - online message board used by Board for action points from meetings etc -
- Volunteer - an owner, moderator or volunteer of a group affiliated to Freegle
- Wiki - this Freegle wiki