Freegle Structural Change

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There have been discussions since Freegle began about what sort of structure we should adopt as an organisation. Recent discussions and polls about this can be found in the following links:

November 2012: At the 2012 AGM the Reps recommendeded that Freegle set up a Trading Arm/Subsidiary, with the aim of raising income to sustain Freegle as an organisation. AGM 2012 Minutes#Strategy Report 2012. Structure Group were tasked with looking into this as a possibility.

Jan-Feb 2013: Structure Group set up a Trading Subsidiary Working (TSW) Team to look at the possibility of doing this.

26.7.13 Presentation of final report from TSW Team to Structure [1]

6.8.13 Notification of poll on Structure on whether to recommend the proposals in the TSW Team report [2]

14.8.13 Notification from Structure recommendation of TSW Team report proposals and beginning of discussion period before poll [3]

28.8.13 Advising Central that poll will be held: [4], followed by the poll notification [5]

10.9.13 Notification of Central poll results [6] . Result - I agree that Freegle should convert to an IPS as proposed in the report, and the relevant constitutional changes should be put to a national full volunteer poll 84 votes, 89.36%

15.9.13 Request for informal interest to be logged of anyone willing to be a Director if the IPS is adopted [7]

19.11.13 Final notification to Central that a national poll will be held, with slight tweaks to the report that accompanies it and with a proposed start date of poll of 25th November 2013 [8]
Freegle IPS Full National Volunteer Poll Question. The final report is at Freegle Trading Subsidiary Team Final Report.

16.12.13 Initial result of Poll announced on Central [9]

26.12.13 Next steps in adopting a new IPS structure message posted on Central [10]

2.1.14 Role description posted on Central for Director of new company. [11]

14.1.14 Nominations sought for candidates for consideration as Director of IPS.

21.2.14 Election results for proposed Directors announced [12]

13.6.14 Freegle Limited is registered as an Industrial and Provident Society, 32410R

16.11.14 Bank account opened for Freegle Ltd, detail: Bank Account and Donation Methods

12.2.15 First invitation sent to all group owner addresses and on Freegle Central for membership of Freegle Ltd [13]

11.3.15 HMRC confirms charitable registration of Freegle Ltd, using same reg. no. as Freegle UK - XT32865

April 2015 Board completes review of documents in preparation for full handover of assets from Freegle UK - Freegle Ltd Adopted Document Summary

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