Complaints Procedure

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Adopted by the Board on 25th February 2015.


This document sets out the processes available for dealing with complaints with the aim of finding a resolution that satisfies the complainant and Freegle. We aim to ensure that issues are dealt with calmly, courteously and as quickly as possible.


Concerns should be initially raised informally with the person or people that are directly involved with the issue that is causing a problem. All parties involved in this should offer a view of what would be a realistic resolution to the problem. It is hoped that most problems can be resolved at this point.


If it has proved impossible to gain a resolution after following Step 1 above, the complainant should contact the Freegle mailbox - - outlining the problem. The mailbox is manned by at least two volunteers, who will ensure that any messages are dealt with within their remit - The mailbox will help with the issues directly if appropriate. For problems raised by group members about a local group, the local group owner will be given the priority to deal fully with any complaints; the mailbox will seek permission from the person complaining before their email is shared with the moderating team.

If it is considered that a resolution cannot be agreed at this stage, the complainant can escalate their complaint to Step 3 if appropriate.


The mailbox team will offer the complainant the help of the Mediation Service or Appeals Panel, depending on the nature of the complaint.

The Mediation Service

Mediation_Service - can consider requests from:

  • Freegle Members/Volunteers or ex-Freegle Members/Volunteers who request mediation on a Freegle local or central group decision or situation.
  • Elected role holders who request mediation for situations relating to their role
  • In exceptional circumstances, mediation for Freegle group members relating to issues about Freegle groups, e.g. when the actions of a single group have significant implications for Freegle as a whole.

The Appeals Panel

The Appeal Panel will consider:

  • Appeals from group owners, moderators or volunteers whose group has been refused affiliation or removed from affiliation with Freegle.
  • Appeals from Freegle Volunteers or Members or ex-Freegle Volunteers or Members who wish to appeal a decision or practice of Freegle.
  • Appeals from elected role holders who wish to appeal a decision or practice of their fellow elected role team members

If the complainant wishes to access any of these avenues, the Ombudsman will be contacted via Ombudsman@ilovefreegle.orgeither by the mailbox team or directly by the complainant. It is expected that the above steps will have been taken first before the Ombudsman is contacted. The Mediation Service or Appeals Panel will deal with the matter as outlined in their agreed remits.


It is important to distinguish between people who make a number of complaints because they really think things have gone wrong, and people who are being difficult. Complainants can be frustrated and aggrieved and it is therefore important to consider the merits of the case rather than their attitude. Even though someone has made repeated complaints in the past, it cannot be assumed that their next complaint is not genuine.. Each complaint should be individually evaluated. ............................................................................................................................................................

Text for Members FAQ page on website: "How Do I.... Query, compliment, comment or complain? If this is to do with your local group, please contact your local moderation team in the first instance. Emails sent to them are received by all members of your moderation team. Your local Freegle group is run by moderators who are happy to hear whether Freegle is doing a great job, needs changing, or has problems. If there is a really good reason why you can’t do this, or if you’ve followed this route without success, then as a last resort you can email <>. We can look into whatever issue you cannot resolve. Please be aware that we have very limited powers. Local groups are autonomous, but we can help negotiate, explain and make suggestions where appropriate.
