Freegle Limericks and Poems
Donation requests
Freegle has freebies that are great
Saving me many pieces of eight
Although it is much fun
Freegle is not free to run
Get in touch if you want to donate (or 'So please get in touch in you want to donate')
Have you used Freegle of late?
If so, would you like to donate?
For Freegle to run
We need a fair sum
To allow us to operate
Freeglers lend me your ears
Our people are all volunteers
But though it sounds funny
We're short of some money
To make sure we're oiling the gears
We're proud of our Freegle, indeed
But donations are what we need
A small one will do
From any of you
Whose freegling has made you pleased
Freeglers please gather round
And donate us many a pound
To maintain our balance
And keep all our talents
So goodies galore can be found
Her husband was not in his bed
She worried, in case he was dead
The reason he gave
"I was in my 'Man Cave' "
So later she freegled the shed
That President Donald J Trump
Takes all his stuff to the dump
He's failing to see
That freegling's free
And gives everybody the hump, the chump
(he would, even if he freegled)
Links: Local Funding