Borrowing, Lending
These are sample messages you can send to a member of your group.
Dear Freegle member
Thank you for your message, now on Freegle, edited to remove mention of borrowing/lending, which we do not encourage as we have no way to be sure that items are returned.
If you only need an item for a short time, you could offer to Freegle it again afterwards. Or you can just send a straight request. Or ask for it on our Newsfeed.
If someone offers to lend you the item, that would be between you and them.
Best wishes
Hi there
I'm afraid that I have deleted your message from the group.
We do not allow messages asking to borrow items as this ultimately saves nothing from landfill but also can incur liability for the lender, so we don't endorse this through our group.
You are most welcome to repost a simple request for this item and/or request to borrow on our cafe group:[CAFE_GROUP_NAME]
Thank you for your understanding and kind regards
xxxx Freegle Group Volunteer
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