Directors 2021 Election

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The seventh AGM of Freegle Ltd will be held 18th October 2021 to 24th October 2021 inclusive on Freegle UK Central. As detailed in our Rules under Retirement Cycle, three of the current Directors are obliged to stand down as we currently have nine elected Directors.

The current elected and other Directors can be found at Freegle Board.


Details for the Director Role can be found on the following pages

Any additional questions that arise about the Director Role can be addressed to the Returning Officers or offlist to a current or past Director. Contact Returning Officer or find the names of current Directors at Freegle Board.

Term of Office

The term of office for elected Directors is up to 3 years, but Directors are welcome to stand again immediately when that term finishes.

Election Timetable

The Freegle 2021 Election timetable will be as follows:

18th September Director voting process starts - request for nominations.

28th September Last day for nominations. Statements of c.250 words requested.

3rd October Last day for receiving Statements from Candidates.

3rd October Q&A Starts

10th October Q&A Ends

13th October Director voting starts if number of candidates exceeds vacancies.

18th October Freegle Ltd 2021 AGM starts.

21st October Director voting ends if election has been held.

22nd October Current Directors stand down from office.

22nd October New Directors announced

24th October AGM Ends

Note the following regarding this election timetable.

a. Voting validation should take no longer than 1 day. Results will be posted as soon as possible.

b. If there are less or equal number of candidates for vacancies, the Chair will declare them as 'elected unopposed' and they will take their posts as Directors without the need for a poll/election.


Nominations should be made as follows:

  • Nominated candidates must be Members of Freegle Ltd (see Rules 53 and 54).
  • Nominations may be made via Freegle Central or directly to the Returning Officer email address.
  • Nominations may either be made by the candidate (self nominated) or another Freegle Member.
  • Nominations should include the nominator's and nominee's full name and email address.
  • If another individual is being nominated, any relevant internal or external group membership should be noted.
  • Nominations should be seconded by another Member. This can occur on either Freegle Central or directly to the Returning Officer email address.
  • All nominations will be confirmed by the Returning Officer to the candidate, seconder and to Freegle Central (regardless of where the nomination was made).
