Firefox is a web browser, an alternative to Internet Explorer and other browsers.
It is free to download and use and offers loads of facilities. It can be found here -
We like it because it is provided by Mozilla, a non-profit organisation which provides Firefox by collaboration with volunteers around the world. One of the key features of Firefox is the facility for clever people to write 'add ons and plug ins' to the basic browser. Our very own, very clever Edward (Edinburgh) has written a plug in, that runs via the Firefox browser, which makes using Yahoo Groups so much easier and more friendly.
Have a look at Mod Plug-in for more information.
If you have any questions about Firefox (including recommendations for other add-ons and plug-ins that are available), do ask on Central
Lastly, you can download a Firefox Freegle Persona to make your daily experience of looking at your computer screen really freegly!
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