Unsubscribe: help a member to leave

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There are several ways for members to leave Freegle entirely, listed at the bottom of this page. You'll never hear from the ones that succeed, only the ones who fail.

  • Some can’t find the way out, or make it work;
  • or they leave a group but remain a Freegle member;
  • or they switch off certain notifications but stay on the group.

So you may receive messages saying

  • I have tried to leave over and over but ….
  • You are not complying with GDPR regulations and …
  • your unsubscribe links do not work.

By this time, some may be frustrated or angry.

How to help

Either forward the request to support@ilovefreegle.org, or look up the email address in the ModTools>members>approved Search box. If they are only on your group(s), click the Remove Box(es)

You can’t remove members from groups you do not mod. So send details to support@ilovefreegle.org who will remove them. This is easier and quicker than telling the user how to do it.

If the address does not show, forward the request to support@ilovefreegle.org. Or to do it yourself, try the next steps.

  • look up the email address without the details after the @.
  • if they have an unusual name, or there are other clues, search them out.
  • if you find a probable match, ask the member if it is theirs.
  • if this does not help, ask them if they use a different email address for Freegle as the one they wrote from is not on your list.
  • if not, ask them to forward the next notification they receive from Freegle for you to investigate. That involves
    • checking what email address it was sent to, which is the one that needs to be unsubscribed
    • checking that it is from Freegle (as other online reuse organisations are available)

If you have any problems, pass the request over to support@ilovefreegle.org

How members can leave Freegle

  • With the button at the top right of the What’s New notifications.
  • Using the Unsubscribe button in settings.
  • On the Home page when signed out
    • link at bottom centre.
  • On the Home page when signed in
    • Contact button at bottom left leads to How can we help, which includes How do I leave/unsubscribe
    • So does the Help button in the Menu bar at the top right.