Structure Group Report 2013-05-31

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This is a summary of discussions since our last report of 30th April , covering messages 12081 to 12174.

The topics we have discussed this month are below:

Task 95 - Specialist Group Affiliation

We are awaiting GAT’s response to the proposed amendments to affiliation for specialist groups, so they can be recommended to be adopted.

Task 79 - Consider Freegle’s UK Coverage

The agreed proposal was taken to Central, where a poll was held: “We should amend the Affiliation Policy ( to add: " Where there are gaps in provision, Freegle can proactively encourage new groups to be set up, in line with this policy."

The result was

- Yes, I agree with this proposal, 50 votes, 89.29%

- No, I disagree with this proposal, 6 votes, 10.71%

The wiki has been amended with the new wording.

Task 101 - Paying for Services, and Reps

After discussion on this group, a message was posted on Central (38135) proposing a poll after a period of discussion. The poll is currently being held to clarify the principle of whether it is acceptable to pay any Volunteer for services.

Task 74 - Safeguarding

A statement and supporting documentation was produced by a working team on Safeguarding. The statement wording was amended and agreed by poll on the group and recommended to the Reps to adopt. The Reps recommended adoption after a period of discussion on Central; the statement was taken as agreed and put on the wiki -

Task 73 - Freegle Mailbox Guidelines

It was suggested last year that it might be a good idea to have some guidelines for those using Freegle mailboxes. The central info@mailbox has a remit, but the various other addresses used for Freegle don't. Discussion is continuing on this.

Task 102 - Equalities Monitoring

Discussion has started on whether it is practical and/or desirable to consider equalities monitoring of group members. This has been brought up in the context of many grant funders now requiring the information, but might also have benefits for us if we are aware of who is accessing Freegle and if that evidences accessibility problems for particular demographics.

Task 103 - Mediation for Members

We noted that we are awaiting information from the Ombudsman on this task from last year.

Task 104 - Complaints Procedure Review

We have noted that a review is due on this procedure. We are discussing the best way to proceed.

Pets Mod Group

Following concerns that the Pets Mod Group had been deleted, it was confirmed that the group, although rarely used, was still running.

Task List

Our Task List is here : , with the current and pending tasks listed on the first page. If you wish to take part in the discussions on any of the tasks, please do join in!

Group ‘Personnel’

The Coordinator for this group is Jacky (Great Yarmouth) and Secretary is Wendy (Woodley) Owners are Jacky and Wendy. Group membership stands at 76 (no change since last month).

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