Freegle Ltd Adopted Document Summary

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Revision as of 19:01, 11 Mayıs 2015 by Jacky (talk | contribs)
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In preparation for the handover of assets from Freegle UK to Freegle Ltd, the Board conducted a review of relevant documents. The review was completed in April 2015. Below is a summary of that review.

Freegle UK document
Freegle Ltd document Notes
10% Poll Procedure 10% Polling Guidelines Covered by Rules 25 and 26.
Abandoned Groups Abandoned Groups Procedure Discussed on Structure.
Aims and Ethos Freegle Aims The Objects in the Rules cover the main part of this; wiki page edited to accommodate Freegle Ltd
Appeals Panel Procedure Appeal Panel procedure Ombudsman consulted.
Auditor Role and Remit Finance Role Remits Rules 103-7 cover this. Remit now included with other Finance remits.
Basic Requirements of a Freegle Group Group Affiliation Requirements Policy All previously polled agreements kept in new policy.
Co-opting for an Elected Role Co-option for Elected Roles Returning Officers consulted.
Complaints Complaints Procedure Ombudsman consulted.
Constitution Rules Agreed with Freegle UK, FCA and Co-op.
Constitution Footnotes none Notes to remain on wiki as historical record.
Disaffiliation Disaffiliation Procedure GAT consulted.
Elected Roles Autopromotion Director Autopromotion Procedure Returning Officers consulted.
Election and Poll Procedures Election and Poll Procedure Returning Officers consulted.
Election links none Left this intact as Freegle UK record. New page to be started for Freegle Ltd.
Equality and Diversity Policy Freegle Equality and Diversity Policy No changes required
Financial Management and Controls Finance Policy Finance Procedures Finance Role Remits Treasurer consulted. Divided into 3 documents to make clear and enable easier alterations if needed.
Financial Management and Controls reviews none Left this intact as Freegle UK record. New page to be started for Freegle Ltd.
Freegle Central Mods Team Freegle Central Mods Team Remit Consulted with Central Mods Team.
Freegle Direct Membership Lists Freegle Direct Information Policy Adopted unchanged.
Freegle Geeks Geeks Team Remit Consulted with Geeks Team.
Freegle Growth Development Working Group Closed Growth group, agreed by Group, amalgamated into Development Group.
Freegle History Policy none Mothballed policy as not used.
Freegle Legal none Closed the group.
Freegle Local Funding Freegle Funding Group Changed emphasis of remit to encompass all funding opportunities. Agreed by group.
Freegle Media Development Working Group Closed Media group, agreed by Group, amalgamated into Development Group.
Freegle Mobile Team none Geeks Team agreed to mothball this team.
Freegle Reps Role and Remit Board Role and Remit Changes take into account new Rules.
Freegle Structure Development Working Group Closed Structure group, agreed by Group, amalgamated into Development Group.
Freegle Tech Tech Working Group Remit Discussed on Tech group