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This is a sample message you might wish to use to send as an Admin to your members:

Hello $groupname members,

(this message has been sent to all members).

Please do not use auto responders to reply to posts.

An autoresponder is when an email program automatically responds to messages that meet certain criteria with a pre-defined message using inbox rules.

As part of our fight against spam any members that are found to be sending autoresponders to messages or sending out bulk e-mails to the community are likely to be removed.

This policy is also enforced as part of an effort to ensure that the communities remain as local communities and are not swamped by, for example, national car breakers who set their autoresponders to respond to all offers of cars or laptop vendors who reply to all requests for laptops by spamming you with adverts.

If you want something please have the courtesy to reply personally to the person making the offer, you are also more likely to be considered if your reply is more personal.

If you receive email responses to your offers that you think may be an autoresponse then please let the volunteer team know by forwarding some examples onto them and letting us know who sent them to you.

If you use a 'holiday' or 'out of office' autoresponse on your email address, please remember to set your Freegle mail settings to 'no email' or 'pause' for the period you are away, otherwise you may get unfairly labelled as a spammer.

Thank you, $groupname moderating team

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